News, Press and Blog

Creekwalk Restoration Survey

What’s Happening on the Creekwalk? Have you noticed us working on the Onondaga Creekwalk? The youth and young adult crews of Onondaga Earth Corps (OEC) are leading a project focused on restoring the riparian areas along the creekwalk! We would like your input on this project through this survey.

PRESS RELEASE: Syracuse Parks Invites Neighbors to March Public Meeting Sessions on Creekwalk Extension Improvements

Plans to remove and replace fencing and trees along Onondaga Creek at Kirk Park call for public input The City of Syracuse Department of Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs (Syracuse Parks & Rec) will host virtual public information sessions for neighbors to offer input on the Habitat and Greenway Enhancement Project, coordinated in partnership with Onondaga Earth Corps (OEC). On …

Bottle Bonanza!

Bottle Bonanza! Redeem your returnable bottles and cans to one of our new redemption center partners. Designate the proceeds of your redemption to OEC and they will credit our account for that amount.

PRESS RELEASE: The Corps Network and The Onondaga Earth Corps celebrates President Joe Biden’s executive order calling for the establishment of a Civilian Climate Corps.

The Corps Network and The Onondaga Earth Corps celebrates President Joe Biden’s executive order calling for the establishment of a Civilian Climate Corps. We urge the inclusion of historically underserved communities and stand ready to assist the administration in engaging Americans in addressing climate change and building community resiliency.Read our full statement below:      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2021 …